Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Today we went to Sain Fagans (Saint Fagans).  After doing Insanity with Gary last night, I was feeling demolished.  Saint Fagans is a living air museum, not unlike Williamsburg, which is rather seedy at night as I understand it.

Anyway, we rolled up into a sea of British school children (who will jump to ask you about Call of Duty when they find out you are American).  One from the whitewater rafting we did yesterday asked me if I was from Canada or the States (made me feel pretty exotic (here's another parenthesis for Ami (here's a third one for Tina))).

The museum has a very nice refugee exhibit and, look at that, its one of Nana's dogs.

And when we went into the vaults- one very posh chair

90% sure my grandmother owns both of these items.

Anyway, one of the lovely employees showed us a few selections from their private reserves.  These are chairs bards can win for poetry during the eisteddfod, essentially a huge annual celebration of Welsh Culture.

Take a look at these hoes and farm equipment.

They are worth more money than Kenan will make in his lifetime.

Well to no one's surprised I wandered off and got separated from everyone and ended up spending a while at the farm exhibit.  Some Pig! As long as I am tall

This turkey was trying to show off for his woman.  The Australian ladies next to me were unimpressed.

After that, I moseyed into a church with beautiful restored wall murals from the 1500's.  Apparently every disciple and even the big guy himself was a ginger (Nicholas: 1, Kenan: 0).

Heres the inside of a beautiful manor built on the sight of an old castle and given to the British Government when some a Lord owed some serious back taxes

Later on, I went on to a Celtic village.   Below is a model hut complete with an employee in traditional Celtic garb.

Fun Facts about Wales Part 2:
Instead of toilet paper, you will sometimes get kimwipes
In the olden times, people were shorter so the doorways here in Wales are often much shorter.  Some people in the group have issues with constantly bending over.  I am unplagued.
They charge you five pence for shopping bags, at least at my local store.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Well today we went to the Senedd (National Welsh Assembly)


Then we went to a castle built in the 1800s by an eccentric coal tycoon who reminds of a Victorian Andy Warhol.  Here is one tower.

Here is some inside bits.

I forgot to get a shot of the outside.  Sue me Cole Kidwell.

Speaking of Cole, here are some saints.  

My conclusion: THEY ALL HAVE THE SAME FACE.  (Again, kinda looks like Cole).

Well thats it for me.  Heres a church Llandaff Cathedral (one of the oldest christian sites in the UK)

Well Im here in Wales! I haven't posted for the first couple of days because I was dead tired, but now I'm gonna try to do it everyday.

The trip started off great with some cookies from Nicholas which were in the shape of fish for some reason.  

The cookies were delicious, but didn't make it through customs

When I first got here a lot of things here seemed almost American, but a bit off like these doritos

Saw a ton of war memorials and just beautiful buildings today

Mo facts:
Netflix and pandora don't work here apparently but Youtube does
In the UK, two pound coins are common
Barristers (lawyers) have to wear the white wigs and can't really move about like our lawyers can

Wales looks like this!
{This is where I would put a picture if I hadn't messed up my settings}

Thursday, June 21, 2012

This is a record of my trip to Wales.  It's hot here in Tulsa and I am sweating deeply as I write this  even inside my home.  Heres hoping Wales is cooler!